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5 Lost Car Key Replacement Cost Tips You Must Know About For 2023

por Karin Soares (2023-10-21)

How to Cut Down on the Cost of a Lost Car Key

A replacement car key from the dealer can be costly. However, there are ways to reduce the cost.

Much of the cost of replacement car key depends on the year, model and model of the vehicle. The latest models often have high-tech transponder chips that need to be connected to the vehicle by an expert locksmith or dealer.

Mechanical Keys

In the past getting lost car keys was a simple process that required just a quick call to locksmiths and a trip to the local gas station. As cars have become more advanced in terms of technology, so have their keys. This makes them more difficult to replace and also more costly should you ever need to replace them.

The cost of replacing car keys ( of replacing your lost car keys replacement cost car key is usually determined by the year, make and model of the vehicle. Locksmiths can easily duplicate mechanical keys that are old and cost of car key replacement less than buying an alternative key from the dealer who needs to connect a new computer with the vehicle.

Car key fobs can be used as an add-on that allow you to lock and unlock your doors without the need for the traditional mechanical key. They can also be used to turn on some push-to-start vehicles. They are affordable and easily programmable by an experienced locksmith. Switchblade and laser cut keys are more complicated and need to be connected to the vehicle at the dealership, which can increase the cost.

Transponder Keys

thumbs_automotive-vancouver-locksmith-30If your car has been in use for more than a few months old, it likely has a chip in the key that communicates with your vehicle when you put it in the ignition. This is a safety measure that will stop anyone from starting your vehicle without your consent. The key must have a transponder that is properly cut to function.

Transponder keys are more expensive to replace than standard metal keys due to the higher cost of manufacturing the chip. The keys are also more difficult to program, which means you'll need to go to the locksmith or a dealer to get a replacement key.

The dealership where you purchased your vehicle is the best option to call should you lose your transponder key. You will pay a higher price than if you hired an independent auto locksmith. You'll also have to wait longer before you receive service. If you do not want to wait around, a locksmith close to you can offer a faster and more affordable solution.

Key Fobs

Modern cars are equipped with remote starting and keyless entry. However, they can be expensive to replace if lost or stolen. A replacement fob may cost $50-$400, depending on the model and automaker of the vehicle. In addition, some fobs require programming, which can add an additional $50 or more to the total cost.

Key fobs for standard use are plastic rectangular pieces with an electric button that open the doors, and in certain cases can start the engine. In the 1990s, its use was on the rise. This kind of key can be replaced at a lower cost than a transponder, which requires an additional chip.

If your key fob is simply not charging you might be able to save money by replacing it yourself. Most fobs use CR2032 batteries that can be purchased at hardware stores or big-box retailers for less than $10. You can check the owner's manual on YouTube to see if you can find steps to replace the battery. Or, head to your local Batteries Plus for a cheaper alternative to the dealership.

Switchblade Keys

It wasn't too long ago that misplacing keys to your car or losing them was not a major problem. However, as cars become more technologically advanced and sophisticated, it's become increasingly difficult to replace keys. If your car has the key fob transponder key, smart key, you might require roadside assistance and be tow-ed towards the dealer to get a replacement.

The type of car key you have will determine the price to replace it. The traditional keys are relatively cheap to replace. They have metal shanks that lock and unlock the ignition.

Key fobs can be used to lock or unlock the vehicle remotely. They're more expensive to replace compared to traditional key. They make use of a wireless technology to connect to the chip of the vehicle which makes it harder for thieves to duplicate the keys. Based on the model you own certain key fobs come with switchesblade keys, which folds in the fob and then pops out with the press of a button like the folding knife. This is known as "anti-theft technology" and provides a layer of security.

Smart Keys

Before the invention of key fobs became commonplace, losing car keys wasn't that big of an issue. It was not difficult to get a replacement key made at locksmith shops, hardware stores, and even car dealerships. As automobiles have evolved technologically and their keys have become more expensive to replace.

For example, some vehicles have smart keys that allow you to unlock and even start the vehicle even if the key is still in your pocket. The system detects the rolling code on the key and confirms it in milliseconds. This prevents people from using the same code on other keys to unlock your car and start it.

If you own a newer model vehicle that has a smart key, Cost of Replacing Car Keys the best option is to go to your local car dealership. They will have the most current equipment and can program and cut your new key on location. The cost is higher but the service is faster and more reliable. Bring your VIN number. It can be found on your dashboard, or on your insurance documents.

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