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Ing seroma formation; and makes it possible to close the dead

por Carin Hanton (2024-05-06)

Ing seroma formation; and makes it possible to close the dead spaces through tissue adhesion. A number of papers have presented comparative studies of patients with and without fibrin glue in the axillary fossa. In a study of 24 patients who underwent quadrantectomy or mastectomy with axillary lymphadenectomy, In a group of 20 patients who underwent quadrantectomy with axillary lymphadenectomy, Jain [29] reported a seroma incidence of around 40 , with a reduction in seroma magnitude in mastectomy patients upon whom fibrin glue was used. Although a significant difference was not observed between quadrantectomy patients treated with or without fibrin glue. The study demonstrated that suction drainage did not limit the incidence or magnitude of seromas, and that itwas associated with extended time spent in hospital and post-operative pain. Soon [30] showed that, among patients who underwent quadrantectomy or mastectomy with axillary lymphadenectomy, there was no difference in terms of the incidence of seromas with or without the use of suction drainage, and that, for the group of patients without drainage, the seromas formed in greater magnitude and for a longer duration, but with a lower percentage of complications. Kuroi [31] in a Medline search about one meta-analysis, 51 randomized controlled trials, 7 prospective studies and 7 retrospective studies showed that there was moderate evidence to support a risk for seroma formation in individuals with heavier body weight, extended radical mastectomy and greater drainage volume in the initial 3 days; with regard to the use of adhesive glue many retrospective studies failed to show any significant effect on seroma formation. Based on our experience and reviewing data from the literature [3,10,21,31-37], it seems that the magnitude and duration of the seromas PubMed ID: are limited, but they are present in over 80 6-(Thiophen-3-yl)pyridin-3-amine of patients, without significant differences between mastectomy and quadrantectomy. Use of harmonic scalpel can reduce the magnitude of seromas and acute blood loss after axillary dissection [38-48]. The use of fibrin glue may therefore be useful, in our opinion, in traditional breast cancer surgery for reducing seroma magnitude and duration, and shortening the stay in hospital which, in this pathology too, is increasingly conducted in day surgery.Competing interests The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Authors' contributions GD, PL, DP have made substantial contributions to conception and design; SG, AB have made substantial contributions to acquisition of data; AR, VA, have made substantial contributions to analysis and interpretation of data; NL, AE, have been involved in drafting the manuscript; PL, DP, LD have been involved in revising it critically for important intellectual content; GD, PL, PubMed ID: DP and LD have given final approval of the version to be published. Authors' information GD Associate Professor of Surgery at Second University of Naples; PL Assistant Professor of Surgery at Second University of Naples; GC Assistant Professor of Surgery at Second University of Naples; SG Research Fellow at Second University of Naples; tert-Butyl 2,2-difluoro-3-(methacryloyloxy)pentanoate AB Surgical Fellow at Second University of Naples; AR Research Fellow at Magna Grecia University; VA Surgical Fellow at Second University of Naples; SM Medical Student at Second University of Naples; NL Medical Student at Second University of Naples; AE, Medical Student at Second University of Naples; CV Medical Student at Second University of Nap.

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